
Still Friends Who Deleted Me 4+

評分 4.5 (14,598) · 免費 · iOS Have you ever wondered who unfriended you on Facebook? Say goodbye to the endless scrolling through your friend list to find out. Still Friends offers a ...

Mass Friends Deleter - Friends Remover

Easily manage your FB friends list. Unfriend a group of friends. Remove all friends on Facebook in one click.

Remove Friends

Remove Friends allows you to find, select & remove/unfriend selected inactive friends quick & easily with one click. Main features Scan your friends list.

Friend Ranking & Removal

評分 2.9 (464) · 免費 · Android Friend Ranking & Removal show your friend engagement statistics, unfriend inactive friends on Facebook, security and safety.

Unfriend non-interactive frnds

評分 3.8 (52,150) · 免費 · Android · Ads pop up every 3 seconds if you don't pay. It also deletes your actual friends if you don't go over the list meticulously.

Remove Friends On Facebook for Google Chrome

評分 10/10 (1) · 免費 · 網頁瀏覽器 · Remove Friends On Facebook is a productivity app that helps you manage your friends on Facebook. It scans and displays them in descending order.

Unfriend or remove a friend on Facebook

Unfriend or remove a friend on Facebook · 1. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook, then click your name to go to your profile. Tap on your ...

Unfriend or remove a friend on Facebook

Go to that profile by typing their profile name into the search bar at the top. · Tap Friends. · Tap Unfriend, then tap Yes.

Is there any app to unfriend inactive Facebook users?

No, There is no app to unfriend inactive Facebook Users. But you can be delete inactive friends on Facebook just do the below given steps to ...

How to Unfriend Someone on Facebook Using Facebook Mobile App

In this video I'll show you how to unfriend someone on Facebook using the Facebook mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.


評分4.5(14,598)·免費·iOSHaveyoueverwonderedwhounfriendedyouonFacebook?Saygoodbyetotheendlessscrollingthroughyourfriendlisttofindout.StillFriendsoffersa ...,EasilymanageyourFBfriendslist.Unfriendagroupoffriends.RemoveallfriendsonFacebookinoneclick.,RemoveFriendsallowsyoutofind,select&remove/unfriendselectedinactivefriendsquick&easilywithoneclick.MainfeaturesScanyourfriendslist.,評分2.9(...